I’ll just stand here until I can find the right words…

13 05 2010

Hearing Damage?

29 03 2010

Teddy Bear says iSuffr Muchly.


18 03 2010

The title says enough. Bye.

Kidding. If anyone has noticed (probably not) I’ve been offline for a few weeks now. It wasnt intentional but I kind of thought it would happen. Just went through a busy period at work and I became pretty stressed out with all the extra stuff I was having to deal with. So I just needed to take some time out. But everything is back to normal now and I’ll be around more again.

I’m pretty sure no one really cares and much to my amusement I still received some mail advising of scams when I havent even been online. So..I guess people havent completely forgotten about me. Anyway just wanted to get that info out there, not that anyone reads this. Also an excuse to write a new post as I’ve got lazy again. I cant promise I’ll be around alot for the next month or so. I have some big plans coming up that I need to start getting organised for. ANYWAY.

<warm fuzzy comment here>

Dont hate. Obliterate.

For * Sake. Heaven.

4 11 2009

Lets cut to the chase. Yesterday a user was private messaging me. It wasnt a very insightful conversation……..but this user decided to send me some Xivio mail. In the mail the user gave me her name and invited me to call her. That’s right she gave me, a complete stranger, what I presume to be her home telephone number. See the image below if you wish, names have been removed to protect the GUILTY.

xiv mail

It sounds like one of those cheesy commercials or something. ANYWAY. Lets just say I was HORRIFIED. I really wanted to call that number in the hope that her parents or guardians would answer. I guess a normal person would say something like,

“Hi this is a staff member from an online virtual world that your child plays. Well I’m phoning to let you know that they are giving out this number to complete strangers, you understand how that can be very dangerous and well you’re just lucky that I’m not a crazy person kthnx bai”.

But nah. What I REALLY would have liked to do was to phone the number, again in the hope that I got the users legal guardians, and say something a little like this……

“Hey, yeah your kid gave me their phone number on this site I use to stalk children and such. Well I managed to get your address and stuff so I’ll be coming over in the next 48 hours because I’m a perverted convicted criminal and I’d like to abduct your child and ruin your lives if thats okay. I’ll pick them up outside their school cause I got those details too, well thanks!”

Yeah. BUT. I did not do this >_> Oh the temptation. After I calmed down I was really angry. I mean it just goes to show how ignorant parents really are these days. Oh yeah you think your kid is just playing on the computer, having fun, all innocent, nothing dangerous at all. WRONG. Yeah your precious child is giving out their phone number to god damn strangers. Whats next? Home address, schools? I wouldnt be surprised. I mean you wouldnt just leave your child in the middle of a city without any supervision, so why abandon them to roam free on the internet? It’s virtually the same thing if you ask me. The danger is just masked because your child is in the comfort of their own home. Oh nothing bad could ever happen. Well if you are going to be that ignorant, you’re a bad parent to me.

I could go on about this subject BUT, I’m getting cramp in my hand I swear to god <_<

FYI. If ANYONE is found to be giving out personal contact details on Xivio, your account will be frozen, in some cases WITHOUT warning. It is for your own saftey and the safety of others. So please. To put it nicely. DONT BE STUPID.

Now excuse me while I go paste this kids number all over the web.

That was a joke (teehee).

Vurr strange indeed.

25 10 2009

vurr strange

Go Zombie!

21 10 2009

Cool drawing Pure made!

go zombie

From left to right: Omen, Bamzy, Emmashemmalocka, Joeian, Pure.



18 10 2009

room entry

Wasted Time.

16 10 2009

This is going to come across mean (thats the nice way of saying it) but I need to write this because I’m not the only one getting slightly annoyed with this.


Okay so Xivio doesnt have an official fool proof trading system. It’s up to individuals to use some common sense when it comes to trades, but I understand these things happen. Whats really bugging me is the number of users that think they can fool staff into giving them free items.


If you care to read the Terms of Use you will find that staff DO NOT have to replace any items that have been lost in a scam. It is down to the individual staff member as to whether he or she wishes to replenish stolen or lost items.

If you’re going to come up with a list of 20 items that you lost in your precious rare room, well it’s unlikely that they will all be recovered. However 1 or 2 items is more feasible. Staff will recover such items at their own discretion. I’m afraid there is no set rule.

Sometimes we dont mind doing it, if the scam seems genuine and if you have a log or witnesses to back yourself up, even better. But what we do once we may not do again. I have recently recovered 1 item for a user that got scammed. That user was very grateful and promised it wouldnt happen again, blah blah. But only a few days later they claim they have been scammed again (only this time they’re on a different account) and they’re demanding rare items that they’ve supposedly lost. Hmmmm.

You may be able to play off your parents like this, but I’m not your mother or father, and that shia dont wash with me <_<

I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again,

  • Use a staff or guide when trading
  • Lock the room so that only you and the traders/staff are in
  • Lock rooms when moving objects
  • Dont add people to lease; they can add anyone they like and remove you.
  • Scammers often work together, beware of users standing by holding items. They will most likely hand an item to you as you go to grab the rare item you just unglued to pick up.
  • Dont believe someone when they say “I dont scam you can trust me”
  • Dont believe someone when they say “If you dont add me to your lease I will ban you”
  • If a staff member or guide is not available then wait
  • Change your passwords regularly
  • Staff will never ask for your password
  • There are NO cheats to get free items or vio. Do NOT believe someone when they say they can put vio into your account but they need your password.

I’m very disappointed in the number of people thinking they can get free items out of staff members. Please be more careful and try to gather some evidence to back up the scam if you can. I apologise if this sounds harsh but I’m tired of people thinking we’re stupid and can be played off like this.

I consider this post firm but fair. If you dont like it let me know.

Slow Night, So Long.

16 10 2009

It’s gonna be a loooooong night juding by my first conversation of the evening. If you can call it that.

Names have been removed to protect the innocent <_<

From (**********) <– hi joe

To (**********) –> hi

From (**********) <– do u kno who i m?

To (**********) –> **********?            (I say the username here)

From (**********) <– like in real

To (**********) –> why would I know that

From (**********) <– well im ur friend in real

So at this point I begin to think, oh yeah, this is gonna be interesting.

From (**********) <– i go to ur school

In hindsight I should have played along, it could have turned into a fun if creepy convo. But I guess I’m too tired to be creative this week, so I cut to the chase pretty quickly.

To (**********) –> I dont go to school

From (**********) <– what??

To (**********) –> I finished school a long time ago

From (**********) <– then i must of spelt the name wrong or something

Yeah cause so many kids at school are called Joeian.

From (**********) <– sorry

From (**********) <– what??

To (**********) –> k

From (**********) <– ur an adult andc ur on here????

Oh no, the penny dropped.

From (**********) <– wow r u like a child ******er

From (**********) <– or some rapist

Of course, an adult on a kids site?! It must be for illegal and sadistic purposes. I mean who do you think runs these sites? Dont answer that.

To (**********) –> I work here?

From (**********) <– o

From (**********) <– sorru

From (**********) <– *sorry

If this were real life I guess they’d be stuttering about now. Hence the typo <_<

From (**********) <– im done here

I felt like replying “good for you” that convo made my day. It’s just what I wanted to come home to on a Friday night after a lousy day at work. Being accused of child molestation.

Tis a sombre time.

Because quitting is out of the question.

15 10 2009

